IMRF - Helping Injured Motorcyclist

We’re a 501c3 non-profit organization that was founded in 2007 to help injured motorcyclist and their families...

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About Us

Steve Weston

IMRF Founder

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The IMRF is a ground floor 501C3 non-profit organization founded by Steve Weston and Chris Green. Concerned with the rapidly rising amount of motorcycle accidents in Northwest Pennsylvania, we are embarking on a mission to help our injured brothers, sisters, and their families in any way that we can. We are hopeful that the ideas we have will allow us to raise the funds needed to help as many fellow riders as possible.

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Our Board of Directors include: Steve Weston, Director/co-founder, Chris Green, co-founder, Ken Kuhn, Traci Scheu Director/Event Advisors, John Young, Treasurer, Cindy Weston, Secretary

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Steve has been on a bike since the early 70’s and a motorcyclist rights activist since the late 1980’s. During that time, he spearheaded one of the largest safety and awareness rallies in Northwestern Pennsylvania. According to Steve, “You can’t be as involved in motorcycling, as I am, without knowing thousands of bikers. In the last forty years, I’ve been to way too many hospitals, way too many funerals for fallen bikers. The families and loved ones of the injured and fallen always have the same look of confusion and desperation after a tragedy of this sort. I’ve always wanted to help them.”

In July of 2007, Steve and Chris’ lifelong friend Terry Scheu was involved in a bike accident that resulted in severe head trauma. Steve and Chris quickly learned about the hardships families face when a loved one suffers an event such as this. “When weeks of being unable to work turn into months, it can get ugly,” Steve says. Chris and Steve paid many visits to Terry during his convalescence and eventually held a benefit for him.

Terry refused to accept the proceeds and insisted that they use it to help someone else. Inspired by their friend's request, Chris and Steve matched the funds raised at the benefit and applied those funds towards the founding of the IMRF, leaving the donated money for the sole purpose of helping others. The duo set out to local hospitals, handing out gas cards and parking permits to the families of motorcycle accident victims. According to Chris, “It’s very moving when you offer just a little bit of help and you see tears.”

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The IMRF continues to provide assistance to motorcycle accident victims and their families. We have evolved into an organization who works closely with local law enforcement, government agencies and local trauma centers in taking a proactive safety stance as well as a reactive approach in the event of a tragedy. We currently provide assistance throughout the Tri-State area of Pennsylvania, Ohio and New York. It has also been our privilege to assist families as far away as Texas, Oregon, and Florida. We are currently involved in public service announcements promoting motorcycle safety and awareness. When you “RIDE AWARE” you ride with us. If you would like to donate you can do so by e-mailing us at

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